Whole Masikai | Majuphal | Oak Gall | Manjakani | Quercus Infectoria | Majuphal | Manjakani
Product details
- Majuphal / Mazoo, is used for therapeutic purpose in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani due to its certain medicinal activities. It is rich in tannic, and gallic acid, and has significant astringent action. It checks the bleeding, and constricts the tissues. Gall powder is especially used in the treatment of dental, and oral problems. It is used as an ingredient in dental formulation (such as Gum Tone Charak) for treating gum problems, strengthening gums, and teeth.
- Analgesic – relieve pain.
- Desiccant – Drying agent
- Hemostatic or haemostyptic – stops the bleeding
- Hypoglycemic – Reducing the level of the sugar glucose in the blood.
- Tonic – Restore or improve health or well-being.