White willow bark | White willow bark for tea | Good for skin
Product details
- Willow trees are temperate and arctic region plants that grow as trees, shrubs and groundcovers. Willow bark comes from these willow trees that has numerous advantages.
- Wllow bark helps in reducing back pain.
- It improves immunity.
- Willow bark helps in preventing acne.
- White Willow Bark Tea Ingredients: 1-3 gm dried and chopped white willow bark 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp honey Ginger - to taste 2 cups water Method Method: In a pan, take water, add white willow bark to it and bring it to boil. To the boiling decoction, add ginger and let it boil for some more time. When the water changes to red color, strain it off in a cup. Add fresh lemon juice and honey to it. Drink it hot.