
Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea

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leanbeing healthcare


Pure Dandelion Root TEA CUT | Detox Tea For Cleansing Liver, Supports Kidney Function And Digestive Health


Product details

  1. Dandelion tea nutrition facts it improves digestion and aids weight loss. It eases congestion of the liver. It helps to purify the bladder and kidneys. It reduces the risk of urinary tract infections. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamins b and c. It helps to purify the blood, regulate blood sugar and improves blood circulation. It helps to ease bloating and aching joints. It helps to cure skin conditions. And that's just the beginning. The flower heads are a yellow to orange color; they open in the daytime and stay closed at night. When you break the stem of a dandelion, it exudes a white and milky liquid. When the flowerhead matures, it becomes a white ball that contains many seeds and fine hairs. It’s safe (and healthy) to eat an entire dandelion. The stem or floret can be eaten raw, boiled or infused into tea.
  2. Detoxifies the liver: the job of our liver is to create bile (which helps proteins in the body separate fats into unsaturated fats) and furthermore to channel and detoxify our blood. \"The nutrients and supplements present in dandelions help in purifying and keeping up the correct working of our liver
  3. Certified organic - 100 % organic product!
  4. Filled With Antioxidants : Dandelion are loaded with strong antioxidants, which may clarify why this plant has such wide applications for wellbeing. Antioxidants are atoms that help kill or prevent the negative impacts of free radicals in your body.
  5. Good For Digestion: Dandelion tea can have numerous constructive outcomes on your stomach related framework. It improves craving and relieves stomach related illnesses.; Controls sugar: dandelion tea brings down degrees of glucose. It expels abundance sugar that is put away in the body because of its diuretic properties and aides in animating the creation of insulin from the pancreas.

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