
Herbal Supplement

Herbal Supplement

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leanbeing healthcare


Harad Choti | kali Harad | Black Himej | Terminalia Chebula | Myrobalan


Product details

  1. Harad is an herb which is commonly known as Harade in India and has multiple Ayurvedic health benefits. Harad is an amazing herb that can be helpful in controlling hair loss and promoting hair growth. This is due to the presence of vitamin C, iron, manganese, selenium and copper that provides optimal nourishment to the scalp. We provide 100% genuine herbs. No transfat ,no colors, no chemicals , no preservatives added.
  2. It helps in improving digestion.
  3. Helps in weight loss.
  4. It helps in building immunity.
  5. It helps in curing skin disease .Also helps in treating arthritis.

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