
Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea

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leanbeing healthcare


Butterfly Blue Pea Flower Tea |Premium Blue Tea, Brain Stimulant, Rich in Antioxidants | Good for skin


Product details

  1. Blue tea can be made as any other regular tea, by simply adding hot water to the blue pea flower . Ideally, the tea should be had without any additional sugar or honey. But in case the preference is to have it sweet, then about one spoon honey can be added to the concoction. Some people also choose to have blue tea with lemon juice as it adds an additional boost to the already wonderful beverage.
  2. Why is it called "Blue Butterfly Tea"? When infused with water, the flowers open and resemble a butterfly while infusing the water with a deep blue hue.
  3. A notable attribute of Butterfly Tea is the ability to change the color of the tea liqueur by adding lemon or lime juice (any acidic substance); add a couple drops of lime juice and watch the tea liqueur change from blue, to purple, to pink You may also change the color of the tea liqueur by blending various substances such as tea (i.e. green tea) and herbs (i.e. hibiscus).
  4. butterfly bluepea tea organic. Stress-relieving properties of blue tea are also helpful in overall maintainenace of skin and beauty.
  5. Blue tea is said to be great for the skin, due to its claimed anti-glycation effects, which fight skin ageing. The flavonoids present in blue tea may also stimulate collagen production.
  6. Good for hair : a compound known to increase blood circulation in the head and therefore maintain a healthy scalp. It also helps in strengthening the hair follicles from within.

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