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leanbeing healthcare


Basil Seeds | Sabja Seeds\Turkmariya for Weight Loss | Digestive, Cooling Effect,


Product details

Holy / Sacred Basil Seeds (Sabja, Sweet Basil Seeds) Tukmaria are also known as basil seeds. The basil plant has a strong, pungent and sweet aroma. Basil is usually added at the last moment when cooking because adding it too soon can destroy the flavor. The seeds, tukmaria are used in Asian drinks and desserts (Falooda). They are used after soaked in water, hey have the ability to soak up water to create a jelly rather like tapioca. Reputed to have cooling properties in ayurveda, they are also used to flavorlessly thicken drinks and desserts.

  1. PROMOTES WEIGHTLOSS: Sabja seeds are known to be wealthy in alpha-linolenic corrosive (ALA), which originates from significant levels of Omega-3 unsaturated fats present in the seeds. These acids help in boosting the fat consuming digestion in the body. It is loaded with fiber,so keeps your stomach satisfied for longer and prevents unwanted cravings. You can add it to a bowl of yogurt or sprinkle some in a natural product serving of mixed greens as a pre-dinner bite to control craving.
  2. GOOD FOR SKIN & HAIR : Sabja seeds crushed into coconut oil and applied on affected areas help in treating several skin infections like eczema and psoriasis. Crush the seeds, without soaking it, in a cup of coconut oil and warm it for a few minutes before using. Sabja seeds are full of iron, Vitamin K and protein. These minerals are essential for long and strong hair. Protein and iron also promotes hair growth and adds volume.
  3. CURES COUGH & FLU : Sabja seeds have an antispasmodic property, which implies that they alleviate pressure in the spasmatic muscles and loosen up them. Along these lines they help in controlling cough . They fortify the invulnerability of the body. Flavonoids like vicenin, orientin and beta carotene strengthen the body's barrier framework.
  4. HELPS IN TREATING CONSTIPATION & BLOATING :Sabja seeds are known to normally detox your body and manage smooth bowel discharges. What truly works is having a glass of milk with some sabja seeds before heading to sleep for two or three days. It goes about as a stomach cleanser . They contain unpredictable oils that help in relieving gas from the gastrointestinal tract and helps in digestion.
  5. Sabja seeds are viewed as useful for type 2 diabetics as it is known to keep a check on glucose levels. They slow down the digestion of the body and consequently controls the change of sugars into glucose. You could essentially blend splashed basil seeds in a glass of milk and have it for breakfast. It makes for a superb solid beverage.

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