
Herbal Supplement

Herbal Supplement

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leanbeing healthcare


Banslochan | Tabasheer | Vanslochan | Bambusa Arundinacea || Healthy Bones & Relief in Cough and cold


Product details

Tabasheer or Banslochan, likewise spelt as Tabachir or Tabashir, is a translucent white substance, made for the most part out of silica and water with hints of lime and potash, got from the nodal joints of certain types of bamboo. Vanshlochan is advantageous as a result of its fortifying activity and adaptogenic properties. The primary substance of Vanshlochan is silica (Silicon dioxide), which is a significant component for bones, tendons, liga ments and skin. Vanshlochan has remedial impact on body tissues. As indicated by ayurveda, it builds invulnerability, so it is a primary element of Sitopaladi Churna utilized as immuno-modulator. It is a successful medication for cold and running nose.

  1. HAIR GROWTH - Vanshlochan also stimulates hair growth and strengthen hair. This effect is due to natural silica content in it. The silica in it prevents hair thinning and hair loss.
  2. PEPTIC ULCERS & INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE - Vanshlochan has ulcer healing properties. Along with Praval Pishti, Mukta Pishti, and Yashad Bhasma, it gives excellent results in peptic ulcers and inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The following Vanshlochan combination is useful for the treatment of ulcers and ulcerative colitis.
  3. BONE STRENGTH - Vanshlochan is beneficial because of its strengthening action and adaptogenic properties. The main content of Vanshlochan is silica (Silicon dioxide), which is an important element for bones, ligaments, tendons and skin.
  4. ALL NATURAL - no additives added, no artificial colors, no preservatives

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